As organizations seek to grow the focus on recruitment and hiring skilled employees becomes a major task. Writing job descriptions, finding the right medium for advertising, interviewing and ultimately choosing the best talent can be extremely time consuming and costly. Companies must meticulously … [Read more...]
Employee Performance Reviews: Productive or Destructive?
Our friends at Find My Shift recently posted this infographic on performance reviews! Love it or hate it, what are your thoughts on the annual performance review? … [Read more...]
18 Inspiring and Successful Female Entrepreneurs
Share this Image On Your Site <p><strong>Please include attribution to with this graphic.</strong></p> <p><a href=''><img … [Read more...]
Hurdles CFOs Must Jump Over to Succeed
Let’s face it: both in appearance and in actuality, CFOs are largely responsible for a company’s profile. Stakeholders large and small look to them for confidence and leadership. Like CEOs, they have to project the kind of competence that inspires - but they also have to get their hands dirty and … [Read more...]
15 Fun Ways to Boost Office Morale and Culture
The morale and culture of your office place plays a large role in the performance of your company. Poor attitudes drag down employee performance, causing many to scrape by doing the bare minimum. As a result, a ripple effect occurs, and the entire office will suffer from loss of workplace integrity, … [Read more...]
How to Nip Office Gossip in the Bud
Office gossip may seem as old and inevitable as the water cooler where it often gathers, but by taking some preventative steps early on, this potentially harmful chatter can be avoided. While some gossip may seem benign and harmless, most gossip can have serious repercussions. This idle chatter can … [Read more...]
How To Be a Great Leader
Whether you have one employee or teams of hundreds working for you, one of the most important aspects of running a successful business is being a great leader. There are many different styles of leadership that might come to mind when we think of people in powerful positions, but there are a number … [Read more...]
How to Reward Your Employees
When most employers think of rewarding their employees, they often think of monetary compensation and benefits. And while raises, bonuses and benefits are important components of a successful rewards system, they leave out two crucial components: recognition and appreciation. The mistake in ignoring … [Read more...]
When Do You Hire a New Employee?
When your business expands to the point where you feel like you need additional assistance is an exciting moment for a company, but also one loaded with tension and anxiety. Hiring a new employee can be a costly undertaking and finding the right candidate can be a lengthy and stressful process. … [Read more...]
5 Things You Need to Do In the Morning
Not all of us are morning people, but deep down we know that starting off your day right can be the key to a successful life, both professionally and personally. The truth is, most people who consider themselves a “morning person” probably weren’t always that way, however through dedication, … [Read more...]