As organizations seek to grow the focus on recruitment and hiring skilled employees becomes a major task. Writing job descriptions, finding the right medium for advertising, interviewing and ultimately choosing the best talent can be extremely time consuming and costly. Companies must meticulously plan for and be well organized in their approach.
The recruitment process actually starts long before the first resume is collected and reviewed. Organizations should be clear on not only the specific professional skills they seek but also on the more subtle characteristics of the candidates which may ensure success within the organization. An individual may possess all the “educational and technical” requirements of the position yet lack the personal qualities necessary to add value. Allow me to qualify this statement by saying that I am not talking about physical characteristics (age, race, gender, etc.), but I emphasize qualities like interpersonal skills, communication style and organizational strengths. These qualities many times may be of equal or higher benefit to your company or may actually determine the candidate’s success with the organization.
When engaging in the recruitment process and seeking to hire the “right” candidate use these three (3) keys:
- Place more emphasis on what you NEED as compared to what you WANT.
- Look beyond just the technical or educational skills to the more subtle yet equally as valuable personal qualities
- Spend time during the interview process testing what a candidate will do in realistic situations.
- Use situational interviewing techniques: “Give me an example of the last time you used these particular skills.” Or, “If confronted with it, how would you resolve this specific set of problems?”
Unfortunately, many organizations are confronted with the recurring problem of becoming stuck in the revolving door of recruitment, employee turnover, recruitment. Employees leave the organization at a rate close or equal to the level of hiring. This revolving door phenomenon severely limits company growth, creates corporate instability and produces “brain drain” within the organization. Organizations that repeat these corporate characteristics will find it devastating to a company’s bottom line. Reducing employee turnover saps the organization of its ability to effectively utilize the new employees and skills it has acquired. In addition, organizations spend countless hours and dollars training and mentoring the new employee only to have them take the training and the skills they acquired in your job to another job, maybe even a competing company.
Reducing employee turnover
Don’t allow your competition to take advantage of your company’s inability to keep the best talent. Here are three (3) keys to exiting the revolving door:
- Focus at least as much or more time and planning on retention as you do on recruitment. In fact, organizations that focus on hiring good employees, providing a positive environment for them to be productive and retaining the best talent can spend far more time and resources on providing quality products and services. In essence, they are reducing employee turnover but being pro-active
- Find out why employees leave your company. Better yet, do your homework, anticipate the issues before the good employees leave and address the problems when possible.
- Include employees. Encourage employee retention ideas and participation through an open door communication process. Respect and recognize good work and celebrate success.
The importance of finding and keeping the best talent is critical to an organization’s success. Don’t be a victim of the revolving door. Take the time to understand and properly manage the staffing process. It may even be advantageous to for your organization to outsource certain staffing and HR processes. Back Office Support Solutions (BOSS) can help you will practical solutions.
Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation on all your human resources, accounting & bookkeeping, tax prep, and back office needs. We provide highly skilled HR professionals who focus on providing the right products and services to help you grow and succeed. Back Office Support Solutions (BOSS) is a leading Human Resource Outsourcing company. “Let us do the work… so you don’t have to.”
Call BOSS at 619-363-3009 or visit us at:
This article was written by: Ricardo H. Correia, Human Resource Manager for Back Office Support Solutions.