Paychecks and pizza parties can only motivate employees for so long before their dedication and enthusiasm for their work begins to fade. But finding ways to keep your employees engaged and inspired for the long term can be a challenge for any employer.
According to a recent study by Dale Carnegie Training, only 45 percent of managers and supervisors and 23 percent of people at other levels consider themselves actively enthusiastic and confident about their jobs. With such low numbers of engagement, it’s clear that the problem is widespread. We all know that an engaged employee is a valuable one, not only because they’re more productive, but also because they can inspire others and create a positive work environment. So what’s the secret? Let’s take a look at some ways to keep employees motivated.
- Empower each individual – When an employee feels that his or her contribution matters to the company as a whole, they feel a sense of ownership that will lead to meeting and exceeding expectations. Support new ideas from your employees, give them opportunities to lead and recognize their achievements, and you’ll see a tremendous return on the investment. Reducing the workload of daily administrative tasks, when possible, from your employees can also help free them to work on bigger projects.
- Communicate clearly, consistently and often – Letting your employees know exactly what you expect from them and providing them with constructive feedback is critical to a healthy office environment. But you also need to be sure to take the time to listen to their ideas and concerns as well. Schedule times to speak with your employees one on one and in small groups. Knowing that their voice counts is an excellent motivator and will also give you valuable insight into your business.
- Encourage learning new skills – Focusing on new projects and acquiring new skills can help reinvigorate their passion for their work and keep both them and the company competitive. Whether they are learning a new program, expanding their skillset, or helping the company shift over to new ways of managing data, your employees will find themselves engaged and motivated by their exciting new prospects.
What techniques do you find helpful for keeping your employees motivated? Let us know in the comment section below.